On the 13th of June our Debster’s Field Trail Labrador Alice became the mother of 9 healthy puppies. The litter consists of 6 bitches and 3 males.
Mother and kids are doing well.
On the 13th of June our Debster’s Field Trail Labrador Alice became the mother of 9 healthy puppies. The litter consists of 6 bitches and 3 males.
Mother and kids are doing well.
Continued from the previous puppy news …. It has now been officially confirmed …. Alice will be the mother of 5-6 Field Trial Labrador puppies next month. More news later…
Debster’s Field Trial labrador Alice and Jupiler will hopefully provide nice little workers. More news later …
Starting in February 2019 Debster’s workingdogs and Kynero started a collaboration. First of all, this cooperation ensures that we want to document the first steps to search dogs. In addition, Rob and Debbie as well as Danitsja want to get together with this cooperation that the importance of socialization of working dogs is recognized. To […]
Our Guido at work with police “Politie! Kom tevoorschijn of de hond wordt ingezet!” Stel je voor: je zit verstopt voor de politie en je hoort dit. Wat doe je dan? Sommige van onze verdachten kiezen eieren voor hun geld en geven zich direct over. Maar anderen nemen de gok en houden zich doodstil. Zo […]
Debster’s Workingdogs is vanuit onze achtergrond, de zorgsector, ontstaan. Wij vinden het zelf leuk om met mens en dier te werken, om te ontdekken hoe de mens zichzelf verder kan ontwikkelen en deze 2 te combineren. In het verleden hebben wij diverse kleine projecten opgezet en succesvol afgerond. Tijdens deze projecten was het mooi om […]