Category Archives: Nieuws

**** PUPPY NEWS ****

**** BIRTH NEWS **** Last Wednesday, August 11, Debster’s FCI Fieldtrial Labrador Pip gave birth to 9 beautiful puppies, mothers and kids are doing well. Amalia Le Timbre D’or NHSB 3184497 X Beechbrook Attention NHSB 3199806  

*** PUPPY NEWS ***

Yeahhh …. expects Fci Pedigree puppies, Debster’s working dogs, from fantastic lines. Mother Beau (N.H.S.B. 3056749) x Father Storm (Astor) Brn 18505 (Harold Vorstenbosch) Mother from the combination Shadow (Halden Npa) Brn 28392 (Peter van Oorschot) x Syta BRN 26754 Mother of mother and father on both sides back at Dackx perle de Tourbieré. Now […]


On the 13th of June our Debster’s Field Trail Labrador Alice became the mother of 9 healthy puppies. The litter consists of 6 bitches and 3 males.

Mother and kids are doing well.


Continued from the previous puppy news …. It has now been officially confirmed …. Alice will be the mother of 5-6 Field Trial Labrador puppies next month. More news later…