Puppy Project
Debster’s Puppy Project
We are looking for people to help us raise a puppy. The puppy that you are raising for us will eventually work at, among others, the police, customs or a security company.
Are you at home for whatever reason, do you want to be active and meaningful, do you like to do something with dogs, then this project might be something for you …
Host family, how does it work?
You will receive a puppy from us and take care of the dog for a certain period of time. The care can take 3 months, but also longer, up to a maximum of 1 year. In the meantime, you teach the puppy everything so that he can eventually be used in practice. It starts with grooming, learning to listen to his name, sitting and lying down. But also looking up objects and if possible some biting work. In the beginning you take the puppy everywhere so that when the puppy is grown, he is not afraid of anything anymore, we call that socializing.
Support and guidance
Every month we meet with other people who are also raising a puppy and we show each other what we have learned. In this way we can also learn from each other. There is also a private Facebook page where you can get in touch with each other and exchange tips, videos or photos. In the meantime you show us through videos what you have already taught the puppy. If there are problems, we will just drop by to see if we can solve this together.
What do we expect from you?
We do not ask much of you, but… You have to love dogs a lot! In addition, you must be able to walk the puppy several times a day, especially in the beginning if the puppy needs to be house trained. And you have to be open to tips on how to get the dog better.
what do you get from us?
- Of course a Puppy
- Belt
- Enter
- Vaccinations / costs vet
- Basket and / or hutch
- Toys
After 3 to 12 months comes the hardest part of the training, saying goodbye to your puppy. This is difficult but if it goes well and you still enjoy doing it, you can get a new puppy from us and start all over again.
Interested in our Puppy Project? Let us know now